IHPEA ![9_22_0_1711-1.jpg](http://ihnurses.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/9_22_0_1711-1.jpg)
The purpose of IHPEA shall be to: * Serve the professional employee interest of the nurses of Indiana Hopsital through collective bargaining, education, legislation and other group activities. * Promote the best interests of Indiana Hopsital with the aim of providing high quality nursing services to the community. * Promote professional unity between the nurses of Indiana Hospital and nurses throughout the Commonwealth through affiliation with and participation in the Health Care-PSEA Division.
AFT/FNHP The principles of the FNHP are as follows: *Organizing, collective bargaining and legislative/political programs all support each other. Legislative victories and good contracts aid in organizing; organizing builds strength for better contracts and a strong voice in our state legislatures. *The message is quality. We are not only fighting to protect and improve our jobs, working conditions and professional standards, we are fighting to protect the quality of patient care; we are fighting for a humane and fair health care system in America. *We can accomplish our goals only with the active, committed involvement of our members. Legislative Agenda 2000: *Ban Mandatory Overtime *Provide Whistleblower Protection for Health Care Workers Safe Staffing: Staffing Ratios, Committees, Information Disclosure All union members are covered by FNHP liability insurance. We are also entitled to all the benefits of AFT membership, including their buying programs. AFT/FNHP has an excellent web site. Check it out at: AFT/FNHP Web Site |